Lord Haw-Haw The Traitor

This article appeared recently in the newsletter of the 
RBL Branch in Epping, Essex.

On January 3rd 1946 the execution took place of the traitor William Joyce, who was better known by his nickname Lord Haw-Haw. He was born in New York of Anglo-Irish parents a century ago in April 1906. In 1922 the family emigrated to  England. He joined Oswald Mosley’s Fascists in 1933 and illegally obtained a British passport by claiming he was born in Galway (when Ireland was, of course, still under British rule). He was even expelled from the British Fascists and then fled to Germany before the Second World War “to offer his services” to Hitler’s Third Reich.

He was employed from September 1939 right through to April 1945 broadcasting from Radio Hamburg. Joyce, whose hatred of Britain could not be measured, subjected the British population to diabolical propaganda that was a mixture of fact and fiction with a preponderance of the latter. Each broadcast began with “this is Jairmany calling, Jairmany calling” a parody of his public-school type accent, and giving him his nickname.

In one of his broadcasts in 1940, he announced that Epping Police Station had been bombed. This came as something of a surprise to Special Constable Arthur Trundle (grandfather of our Hon. Secretary, John Duffell) who was standing in the Police Station listening to the radio at the time.

Joyce was captured hiding in woods near Flensburg by British troops just after the war ended, taken to London and tried for high treason at the Old Bailey in 1945. His grovelling defence was his US birth, but his British passport, valid until July 1940, established nine months of treason. All appeals were quashed and on the 3rd January 1946 he was hanged at Wandsworth prison by executioner Albert Pierrepoint. He continued to rant and rave against the British until the very end.

All I say is well done Albert Pierrepoint!

The newsletter may be seen at www.rbl-epping.org.uk


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